Dec 21, 20174 min

5 reasons why I love the library...and why you should too

My local library (which I've fallen in love with) has that real retro 70's vibe

It always amazes me that people aren't a member of their local library. In this age where e-readers and the kindle are King, our love affair with the musty old book palaces has slowly waned. Here's why I think you should renew that library card....

(*Disclaimer - I don't actually think libraries are musty or old - said only for comic effect - my local library actually smells lovely)

1. Free books

Whilst I hate to state the bleeding obvious - free books anyone??

Yes, you can get some books on your kindle for 99p, but save that up for a coffee instead!

And I'll just make clear that I LOVE having books in the house. (Our many bookshelves are groaning under the weight of all our paperbacks) And if I love a book, I will buy it and I really appreciate being bought books as presents. However.... how many times do you read a book and think, I will never read that again. And it sits on the shelf gathering dust. What a waste of money!

There is something lovely about knowing that when you read a book from the library, in a few weeks time it will end up in someone else's hands, and not cluttering up your shelves. (Plus if its something you like you can get yourself a spangly new copy just for keepsies)

2. Nostalgia

Something about being back in a library makes me feel about 5 years old again. The smell of books, the plastic covers, the super smily old lady sat at the reception desk (OK, it doesn't have to be an *old* lady, that's just how my childhood brain remembers them. They always had great knitwear though.)

It does bring back that excitement that you had as a child to be able to go in, pick ANYTHING you want and take it home with you. And there's just something so traditional about using the library that makes you feel all warm and worthy inside.

Plus they are still one of the quietest places in the world and there is something so calming about this. (Don't you dare go in and use your mobile or you will be "SHUSHED"! My library has got around this by ensuring that you can't get a single bar of reception in the building, let along 4G.)

3. The element of discovery

A lot of the time if you buy your books online, either paperbacks or e-copies, one of the first things you do is read the reviews - no one wants to spend money on a crap read, right? And if you're on a budget, you don't want to risk buying a book from an author or genre that you aren't familiar with, that you might not like.

But the Library is there for discoveries! You see new books that entice you, older books you've never heard of, a classic that's been on your to-read list for years or a fascinating cover catches your eye. I always go into my local library with the intent of picking up 2 books I've reserved and I'm lucky if I end up walking out with anything less than 6 under my arm - it's impossible not to browse for more when you're in there!

And if your library is anything like mine, they work hard to create some really interesting displays, often on different themes, to bring your attention to books that might otherwise have gone overlooked, just to tempt you into picking up something else.

4. Reservations (its all about the choice)

This might sound like a weird one but bear with me. When I first went into my local library, I was minorly crushed by the size of it. I live in a small Norfolk Market town and we have a smallish library to match. It's all very well if you live near a city because those big city libraries have SO much choice, all the new releases, multiple copies of certain titles (what?! Multiple copies, How decadent!)

However - most libraries that are part of a county council group operate an inter-library loan policy. Basically, go on line, search for a book, request it and it will be sent to your local branch (or one of your choosing). Sorry if you're all going "yeah, duh!" but I didn't know about this and its changed my reading world.

So as long as you're prepared to wait a week or two (depending on the popularity and how many other people have reserves) you can get hold of pretty much ANY book you want. And if you're anything like me, you'll get a little burst of excitement when that email drops into your inbox, telling you that your reservation is ready to collect. (Some people say I'm a geek.... and they would be right)

5. Everything else they do....

Look, clearly, I'm all about the books. And to be honest, that is all I use my library for at the minute (because if I use them to get involved with anything else my husband will actually never see me.)

However it's crazy the amount of services they provide, inlcuding but not limited to... e-books, large print books, language course materials, free IT access, DVDs, computer games, jigsaws, large print and braile books, a knit and natter group(!), a kids summer reading challenge, job workshops, craft sessions, education groups and jedi master training. (Yeah...sure...I made that last one up. But I wouldn't be surprised....)

The point is they are such a valuable community resource and if we dont use them we will soon end up losing them to another charity shop/£1 shop.

So do yourself a favour and treat yourself this Christmas to a library card - and get exploring. Happy borrowing all!

#readingrecommendations #library #borrowdontbuy
